Η EFIC καλεί όσους ενδιαφέρονται να παρακολουθήσουν ένα από τα προγράμματα Fellowship για το 2020 να το δηλώσουν έως 31 Μαρτίου 2020 που αποτελεί την καταληκτική ημερομηνία αίτησης συμμετοχής. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες διαβάστε το ακόλουθο μήνυμα από την EFIC:
“The European Pain Federation EFIC Fellowship is an individual grant for medical doctors to support training in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of pain-related conditions. The training takes place for an agreed period of time in an approved center of excellence. Following this link, you can find the list of the Pain Centres selected by the European Pain Federation EFIC. The purpose of the Fellowship is to allow the trainee to introduce the knowledge acquired during the training into their everyday clinical pain practice. It is expected that the applicant is already involved in the field of pain medicine, or has a clear pathway to becoming a specialist in pain medicine. The applicant must have been a member of a European Pain Federation EFIC Chapter for at least one year before applying. Each European Pain Federation EFIC Chapter can have a maximum of two grants approved annually; the maximum length of a Fellowship is 10 weeks.
Below the objectives and the knowledge to develop:
- · the principles and elements of multimodal pain diagnosis and management and/or
- · the indications and techniques of interventional pain management
- · the clinical and basic research aspects of pain and/or
- · the methods of undergraduate and/or postgraduate pain education
How to apply:
The deadline for the 2020 Fellowships is 31st March 2020. A maximum of four applicants per Chapter will be considered annually. The applicant is required to complete the application form, provide a CV and an official letter of recommendation from his/her national Chapter. All documents must be sent to the European Pain Federation EFIC, Office: through the National Chapter administration.
For discovering more information and to learn more about the application’s process, you can find more information through our EFIC fellowship page. Link: https://europeanpainfederation.eu/education/efic-fellowships/
If you are interested to participate in our program, have a look at this article to read Aleksei Potaturko’s experience, a previous attendee.
Good luck!”